Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Cheetah print and studded shoes

You in first place

I celebrated my 22nd birthday last week. Since I was young, I had a high tendency of breaking into tears whenever it was my birthday. When I was younger, I merely did not want the day to end, and as I got older and my mind became to fully take over all that was me, I would cry because I always found something to be deeply dissatisfied about. 
Last year I did not cry, at least not that I remember, however it was my 21st birthday so it revolved around the ability I now had to legally purchase alcohol. I remember walking into the gas station at 1 p.m. and smiling uncontrollably as I walked towards the aisle that withheld all that precious beer. With two 24 oz. of Bud Light Lime in hand, I drove home and my 21st birthday begun. Merely writing about these words makes me want to go to that exact gas station, but it's no longer the same. I have grown so much during the past year and my 22nd birthday, the one photographed above, had no alcohol involved. 
I didn't cry on my 22nd birthday, and I actually took time to truly cherish the people around me, my family, my boyfriend and my best friend. They were all I needed that day and they fulfilled my wildest fantasies and made my day perfect, a word I rarely utter.
I look forward to this year. I will be- finally- graduating from college in the summer! I am thrilled. My life has revolved around course schedules for the past four years and I am ready to embark on new adventures. College, I can finally say I am ready to leave you, at least until I pursue my masters.

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